

Our return policy for online purchase

Our policy lasts 14 days. If 14 days have gone by since your have received your item, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund. If you wish to cancel before delivery of your items, email us at [email protected]. If you wish to cancel after receiving the items contact [email protected]u

We will accept returns on items that are purchased via Items must be in perfect condition, unworn with all original tags attached and returned within 14 days after you’ve received your package. We do not accept returns on accessories and undergarments.

If a returned item is shipped international, please clearly mark the package ‘RETURNED GOODS’, to avoid any Customs charges. is NOT responsible for any return Customs charges made. Any charges incurred are the responsibility of the customer.

Please note: any shipping fees associated with purchases and returns are the responsibility of the customer and will not be refunded. Please ship us the return with tracking information for your own protection. is not responsible for any shipping fees or lost returns.

Packages sent without contacting us beforehand will not be accepted.

If you have purchased your item/items at any of our resellers, please contact them for returns.


We cannot hold stock for exchanges. In order to exchange your item you need to return the original purchase in accordance with this policy and then submit a new order online.

Faulty items

If your items are faulty or not as described, you are entitled to return them to us within 14 days of receipt for exchanges or a refund. If you are returning the items after 14 days has passed, we may not repair or replace them before offering a refund. 

Unclaimed Packages

For packages that are not cashed at your post office within 14 days, reserves the right to charge you a handling fee to cover return shipping and freight companies’ administrative costs

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